Sunday, September 30, 2007

5 Easy Tips to Shed a Few Extra Pounds

">Weight Loss | 5 Easy Tips to Shed ... 5 Easy Tips to Shed a Few Extra Pounds Submitted by Tony on 2007-02-27 and viewed 962 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF Did you overindulge this past holiday season? These Tips would be easy to incorporate into your current lifestyle to help you shed a few extra pounds The holiday season is a time when most people tend to let go, throwing caution to the wind. Overspending on credit cards, overindulging on alcohol and just eating a bit too much are some of the outcomes. Come January/February and we get a huge shock when we see the credit card bill, or step on the bathroom scale. I can't help you with the credit card bill, but can help loose those extra pounds.

One true fact about weight loss is 'No Pain, No Gain' or maybe that should be no pain no loss. There is no quick fix when it ! comes to shedding off those pounds regardless of what medical ! remedies may say. Your body weight doesn't just consist of fat, some of the weight is water weight while some is muscle but we are all mostly concerned about weight due to fat which unfortunately is the hardest to loose. Water weight is relatively easy to loose which is also why some of these remedies or drugs that claim to help you loose weight in a matter of days are most likely false. You might loose weight when you check the bathroom scale but is it really fat you're loosing?

Here are five relatively easy tips to get you started in loosing weight which you should be able to fit into your current lifestyle easily but remember, you need to put in the effort.

1) Get rid of those soda cans and get water bottles.
I am amazed everyday by how many people drink very little or no water at all. Drinking more water in itself can make you loose weight. The body is made up of 75% water and is therefore vital for our organs to have as much water as possible. The liver is resp! onsible for the breakdown of fat in the body so by not drinking water, the liver can't work as efficiently and more fat is retained in the body.
Get a small 500ml water bottle and keep it topped up when at work, taking regular sips. Aim to finish about 3 - 4 bottles a day. This would also mean you make regular trips to the bathroom thereby doing more exercise.

2) If you drive to work, park on the farthest parking spot from your office door available. This shouldn't be too hard to do and should most often than not be empty. More distance to walk means more exercise.

3) Substitute that crisp/sweet/chocolate box for a box of grapes, strawberries or tangerines. We all get the feeling where we feel like munching on something and most time reach for a little piece of candy. Well the little piece of candy does a lot of damage. This may take a bit more will power but you need to make a cautious effort. Grapes and strawberries are perfect when you feel like munch! ing on something and provide the same feel good factor you get! from ea ting crisps and chocolates.

4) Change your walking pace. Believe it or not, but walking faster or slower can increase the amount of calories you burn for a given distance. We all have a natural walking pace which is always the pace that uses the least amount of energy, and mostly, your momentum helps in keeping this energy to a minimum. But what we want is to increase the energy we use whilst walking right? Walking slower means the momentum of your body is lower; therefore your muscles do more work in lifting and moving your legs burning more calories. Walking faster or power walking also means your muscles have to do more work in moving your legs fast enough to keep up with the speed and distance you are covering meaning you burn more calories. So changing your walking pace would help.

5) And the most important is to stick with the above. These tips don't require you to change your current lifestyle a lot, they're very easy to follow and adhere to. When next y! ou're doing the shopping, pick up bottled water rather than soda or concentrated fruit juice or some other nasty drink that's not water. You'll soon adjust to the sweet natural soothing taste that water has and get hooked. I know I am. And no matter how lazy you're feeling that Monday morning, drive to the farthest parking spot without even thinking about it, then you can curse yourself (and maybe me) as much as you want whilst walking down to the office, the most important think is you've burned more calories.

And never ever say to yourself 'I've been good this week, I deserve a treat' as an excuse for a nasty bar of chocolate or pack of crisps, you deserve better than that, treat yourself to a nice piece of banana instead.

Source:! /25/5 Easy Tips to Shed a Few Extra Pounds
About Weight Loss Diets

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Make Your Cologne Your Own

Once you have found a scent that you feel really defines who you are and what you are all about, (and makes you just a little more unforgettable!), how do you make it your own?

By that we mean, how do you make people think, "that smells like Sheryl" or, "that smells like Jeff" instead of, "isn't that the cologne that Janet wears?" Making the cologne "your own" means engulfing yourself in the scent so that it becomes an integral part of you, without becoming overwhelming to others.

For example, you don't want to continue spraying yourself with perfume or cologne all day long, since the sharp, introductory notes will continue to come through and that sharp scent will be overwhelming to people if they smell it on you constantly.

Instead, try building a the scent in layers. For example, many fragrance manufacturers don't just make cologne or perfume, they make other products with the same fragrance as well. You should start by using their soap and shampoo t! o get a light fragrance over your body.

When you are out of the shower, try using their fragranced powder or body lotion to build up the next layer of scent.

Finally, you have two choices. You can either spray perfume on your pulse points (perfume is the strongest concentration of sent offered by a fragrance manufacturer), or you can spray the eau de toilette or eau de cologne all over your body, since it is a lighter version of the fragments.

Throughout the day, your fragrance layers will evaporate and give off that scent. And over time, your clothes will become infused with the smell as well, and it won't be long until people begin to associate a smell only with you.

And why would you want to smell associated only with you? It's easy! Smell is the sense that is most closely related to our long-term memory. So when people smell something, they often make close associations between the scent and the experience. So give people something to remember ab! out you and layer your body with a scent that will keep you in! people' s memories for a long time to come.

Jeff Lakie is the founder of Cologne Information a website providing information on Cologne

Source: Your Cologne Your Own
Weight Loss Diet

The Benefits, Joys and Danger of the Sunlight

For a long time we have been told to beware of the sun-rays and protect ourselves from the impact of sun rays upon our skin. The truth is probably not as bad and simple. Sunlight gives both benefits, and effects harm by exaggerated exposure.

The effects of sunlight upon the skin are due to the ultra-violet light. These light rays are generally divided in three kinds according to wavelength, UVA with longest wavelength and lest energy in each light quantum, UVB of shorter wavelength, and UVC of shortest wavelength and highest energy.



If the exposure to sun light is moderate, the benefits outnumber the dangers. First of all sunshine has a good effect upon the mental health and well-being, both due to the visible light and to the warming effect.

The UVA rays in the sunlight stimulate the skin to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary for the normal composition, growth and regeneration of bone t! issue. By to low levels of vitamin D in the body, the bones tend to loose calcium and get thinner and weaker. Newer findings suggest that many people do not get enough of this vitamin through the diet or do not absorb enough from the intestines, and need this stimulation to get good enough levels of vitamin D.

Newer findings also suggest that moderate amount of sunshine does not promote the occurrence of skin cancer. On the contrary, in moderate amounts, exposure to sunshine seems to help prevent cancers of several types, especially breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

The browning effect is the benefit that most people go for when engaging in sun bath. This effect comes from the UVA rays stimulating the melanocytes in the skin to produce more of the brown pigment - melanin. The increased amount of melanin will protect the skin against the harms of sun-rays, and make you tolerate greater amounts of sun before harmful effects occur. The sun rays also ! stimulate the upper layer of the skin to grow thicker, and thi! s makes the skin more robust against damage. As long as this thickening is moderate, the thickening is a good effect.



The most visible danger of exaggerated sun exposure is the burning effect caused by the UVB rays. The effect is mostly due to immune cells in the skin releasing histamine. Histamine then causes blood vessels to dilate and also cause other symptoms of acute inflammation. Some cells will also be injured by the sunlight to such extend that they die, causing the upper layer of the skin to flake away.

Exaggerated exposure to sun can cause brown spots - liver-spots. Furthermore it can cause the cancer type called basal cell carcinoma. These effects are caused both from the UVA and UVB rays. This type of cancer looks like brown flakes or brown spots, and may be difficult to distinguish from liver-spots. However, this kind of cancer is little malignant, and is in many cases just a cosmetic problem.

But t! he UVA and UVB rays from too much sun exposure can also cause malignant melanoma. This cancer consists of melanocyte cells been transformed into cancer cell. Malignant melanoma often evolves from birth marks. This cancer can remain small for a long time, but can also spread and develop very rapidly and swiftly evolve into a serious disease. In its initial stages, the cancer looks like an irregularly shaped and abnormally or irregularly coloured birthmark. People having been exposed too much sun and often been sunburned form an early age, are in special risk for malignant melanoma.

Traditionally skin cancers were thought to be caused by the UVB rays, but newer findings suggest that the whole ultraviolet spectre participates in causing cancers. Therefore using solariums that gives off only UVA rays is not safe from cancer risk.

Too much sun exposure for a long time will increase the speed of skin aging and cause permanent changes in the skin, due to the effects o! f UVB rays. The wrinkles will multiply and aggravate. Also the! blood v essels in the skin tend to become permanently dilated and areas of the skin will often get an abnormal or irregular thickness, some places too thin and other places too thick. Due to the widened blood vessels, the skin will be permanently red.

UVC rays are normally filtered out from by the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. Nowadays this layer is wakened over certain areas in certain times. These rays are the most dangerous and easily cause cancer and other types of skin damage.



The best way to get just enough sun exposure to get the benefits, but not so much to suffer the harms caused by sun rays, is just to expose your skin for the sun some time, and then cover the skin by clothes.

The time recommended for naked exposure varies considerably. A person with brown skin can take much more than a pale person. The same is true about a person with thick skin. As you get used to th! e sun each year, you will gradually get browner and also tolerate more. If you take sunbath for the first time in the year, and you have not yet get used to the sun, 10-15 minutes may be enough.

However, often you want to expose your skin to the sun rays longer than an unprotected skin can tolerate, and then you have to use some topical sun protection. Sun balms are found with protection from 3 to 30. The protection factor is supposed to tell how many times longer you can be in the sunshine with the balm on, than without the balm. Be aware that the real protection factor may be less than that written on the bottle.

A balm with the factor 20 does not always really have that factor. If you know you can tolerate 0.5 hours exposure without protection, do not think that you really will tolerate 10 hours exposure with a balm of factor 20 on. The balm must also be renewed several times during the time you expose yourself for the sun. That is especially true if y! ou take swims. The balm must neither be too old.

The fac! e is the body part that it is most important to protect against the sun, since the face does not have any clothes on, and accordingly gets longest sun exposure.

Some kinds of nutrition seem to make the skin more robust against the impact from sun rays. It is for example wise to eat much fish and use olive oil in the diet. You should also attend to the news about the ozone layer, and always protect your skin in periods with weakened ozone layer.

Source: Benefits, Joys and Danger of the Sunlight
Home Based Business Articles

Friday, September 28, 2007

Botox Questions? M.D. Answers

If you are one of the few adults who have not yet experienced BOTOX®, BOTOX Cosmetic® (BOTOX), or other astounding innovations like Fraxel Laser, you may be wondering whether it's time you did.  Treatments like BOTOX and Fraxel laser have proven to have incredible results for our patients here in Orange County.

You may also be reluctant to use a drug that used to have "toxin" in its name.  After all, doesn't that mean it is a poison?  Another fear you might have is of needles, especially in your face!  As one of the top Orange County BOTOX injectors, I can assure you that BOTOX is a safe and extremely popular treatment.

Don't be afraid
Before deciding whether BOTOX is appropriate for you, let me allay your fears.  BOTOX is the most popular cosmetic treatment being performed in the United States.  Men and women from age 18 and up have not only tried it, but continue receiving it on a regular basis.  The results, if perform! ed by an experienced injector, are usually good to excellent and the low side effect profile makes BOTOX one of the safest drugs available.  Many drugs, including aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol®), and Digitalis are all toxic and potentially lethal if consumed in doses higher than what is recommended.  BOTOX can actually be given in doses many times what would normally be given to treat facial wrinkles and not be toxic to your body.  For example, patients with cerebral palsy and back pain are often given 300 units* and up of BOTOX per treatment, while the wrinkles on your face may only require 15-50 units.  Secondly, needles need not be painful if used gently and carefully by an experienced caring physician.  When BOTOX is very concentrated (not too diluted), injected with a very small needle, and the hand injecting it is gentle, it can be a pain-free experience.

But is BOTOX the right procedure for you?
BOTOX, when used appropriately, is ! one of the safest and most effective treatments for relaxation! of faci al lines and wrinkles.  When injected into certain facial muscles it relaxes these muscles, thus smoothing out the wrinkles.  This relaxation typically lasts 3-6 months. 

BOTOX is typically used for expression-related wrinkles in the upper face: frown lines between the eyebrows (angry lines), forehead wrinkles and crows feet.  More experienced physicians can also lift eyebrows, raise the corners of the mouth, smooth out lip lines and even smooth out necks with BOTOX, all of which are regularly accomplished in our Orange County office.

Choose where you get your BOTOX wisely
Results with BOTOX are based 50% on technique.  Your results will vary depending on how much is used and who does your treatment.  In other words, who you go to for this treatment is extremely important.  Make sure the injector has a great reputation in using BOTOX and a lot of experience with it.  He or she should be treating at least 10 patients (! using about 3 bottles of BOTOX) per week, every week, avoid someone who only opens up a bottle of BOTOX once a week or once a month.  There are many wonderful physicians who do great surgery or who practice in a beautiful setting, but their BOTOX technique may not always be the best.  There are also many med spas who offer BOTOX and other cosmetic procedures.  Remember, it's who injects the BOTOX that matters, not how relaxing the environment is or how great a deal you are getting.  Most specialty physicians, such as dermatologists, plastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons have had extensive training in facial anatomy, physiology and experience in treating the face surgically. They are usually the best BOTOX injectors because this experience gives them the background to understand how BOTOX works best and how it should be customized based on how each face differs.  Their experience with other facial procedures and treatments also allows them to ! choose and combine the best treatments for each individual's p! roblem.& nbsp; BOTOX is not the only tool for anti-aging, nor is it the appropriate tool in every case.

When choosing a physician, make sure you find out what they are board-certified in.  Any physician can advertise they "specialize in" cosmetic surgery or dermatology but to be board-certified they had to have completed a residency and passed a test in that specialty. (Note: the author, Dr. Lorrie Klein is a board-certified BOTOX physician and trainer in Orange County, CA.)

How often are treatments?
BOTOX injections can be kept up like a great haircut and color, or used for special occasions only if desired.  Regular maintenance for BOTOX requires treatments every 3-6 months.   Always plan on having your treatment at least 2 weeks before a special event, as it can take up to 2 weeks for the results to fully kick in.  Also, if a needle-induced bruise occurs it could take 7-10 days to heal. Planning your first BOTOX treatment at least 4 weeks ! before an event is even better, as touch-ups may be necessary in the beginning to determine your "perfect" dose.

Customizing BOTOX is important to achieve great results
In my practice and spas I customize each patient's dose. My goal is to find the lowest "perfect" dose that will smooth out the wrinkles, look natural, last at least 3 months, and not make the patient's face look "frozen."  To accomplish this I initially treat on the low end of the range, which I estimate will work for each individual patient, for each area treated.  I will then add more BOTOX after two weeks if necessary.  Once the "perfect" dose is achieved, touch-ups are no longer necessary and each patient will have his or her own customized dose to refer to in the future.

Don't shop by price
Deciding if BOTOX is right for you also depends on your budget.  Check prices before you have your treatment.  Keep in mind however that this drug is expensive, even for t! he physician purchasing the product.  Find out the price ! per unit as this is the only way to find out the value of what you are getting.  If you will be charged by site or "syringe", find out how many units will be given per site or syringe, otherwise you have no idea how much BOTOX you are actually getting.   If the price sounds too low, you are probably not getting many units in your treatment.

Experience and reputation also count. Many med spas and primary care physicians offer discounted BOTOX because that is the only way they can attract patients. Getting your BOTOX based on cost alone is akin to getting your hair done at a chain salon, with a stylist right out of school, for $15.  If that is all you can afford, that's understandable, but remember, you get what you pay for.  Most experienced cosmetic specialists currently charge $12.00 to $15.00 per unit for BOTOX.  Units required typically vary for women from 15-40 units for the frown lines between the eyes, 16-30 units for crows feet (both side! s), and 9-16 units for the forehead wrinkles.  Some women and most men may require more units than this.  If you can't afford these costs I would recommend not having BOTOX treatment.  If you don't receive enough units you will be wasting your money. You may not see results and it won't last very long.

Combining BOTOX with other treatments
BOTOX is also commonly combined with other cosmetic treatments and products.  Fillers, such as Restylane®  and Radiesse®, laser treatments, such as Fraxel®  Laser and also physician-strength rejuvenation skin care products, such as Prevage®  and Prevage MD®, are often used with BOTOX to enhance anti-aging results.

BOTOX Cosmetic® treatments are a popular, quick and easy solution to relaxing many facial expression lines.  It is safer than many other drugs commonly sold over the counter.  Who you go to is one of the most crucial factors in achieving great results, s! o it is important not to choose based on price or convenience ! alone.
*BTX is measured in units, not weight or volume.  One bottle of BOTOX Cosmetic® contains 100 units.

Prevage®, PrevageMD®, BOTOX® and BOTOX Cosmetic® are trademarks of Allergan.

Restylane® is a trademark of Medicis.
Radiesse® is a trademark of Bioform.
Fraxel® is a trademark of Reliant Technologies.

Source: Questions? M.D. Answers
Weight Loss Supplements

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alternatives For Cellulite Reduction

Are there any cellulite reduction alternatives? With the rare exception, liposuction is generally considered cosmetic surgery. For this reason liposuction is not considered as medically necessary.

Because of this, the decision is up to you whether or not to undergo liposuction procedure. You may decide that it is not right for you. And you can make that determination right up to the point of actually having the procedure.
Liposuction Alternatives
•    Exercise.
•    Accept your body and appearance as it is.
•    Change diet to lose some excess body fat.
•    Use clothing or makeup to downplay or emphasize body or facial features.
•    Try some of the other methods such as topicals or body wrapping.

Whatever method you select for cellulite reduction make certain that, you have done your due diligence and select the most suitable method with the least amount of risk! to obtain the results you desire.

There really is no alternate for good, old-fashioned, healthy nutrition and exercise. The tried and true methods do work:
1.    Watch your diet.
2.    Incorporate fresh and natural foods into your diet.
3.    Get plenty of fiber.
4.    Avoid high fat foods.
5.    Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
6.    Limit the consumption of caffeine and alcohol
7.    Quit or cut down on smoking.
8.    Get plenty of exercise.
9.    Avoid medications not necessary to health and well being.

You can rid your body of excess toxins and promote a general state of health by following a regimen of good health, nutrition and exercise that is optimum for pursuing any program for dealing with cellulite.


Cellulite exercises, which will help you to get rid of c! ellulite, are weight training and cardiovascular exercises. Th! ese two exercises when done together will help you a lot in reducing cellulite.

Cardiovascular exercises include walking, jogging and swimming. Where as weight training exercises are simple to complex, which include squats, lunges, leg presses, leg curls, etc. Along with this cellulite exercises a five minutes massage and drinking of plenty of water will increase the blood flow, which indeed reduces cellulite.

Walking is an incredible exercise, which is useful in many ways. Walking puts the body in continuous rhythmic motion and benefits most parts of the body. It is not just the feet and legs but also the neck muscles, shoulders, back, abdomen and arms that you are putting into motion.
This is another wonderful exercise, which is useful in many ways. Body as a whole, will be getting benefited with jogging by strengthening the cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation, toning up muscles and thus helpful an exercise to get rid of cellu! lite.
Swimming is a great activity. It tones your entire body while providing an excellent cardiovascular workout; it strengthens your heart muscle and improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. Swimming is also a relaxing activity.
Weight Training
Weight training exercises to get rid of cellulite can range from simple to complex. Exercises such as squats and lunges are easy to do at home since they simply use the weight of your own body. Free weights can be used at the gym or purchased for home use and can be incorporated into exercises like squats.

You can find different weight training machines in Gyms and health clubs that have built in weight systems and provide a range of different exercises such as leg presses and leg curls.

Source:! ail.php/36839/69/Beauty/Health-and-Fitness/7/Alternatives For ! Cellulit e Reduction

Sunday, September 23, 2007

How To Cure Premature Ejaculation

">Weight Loss | How To Cure Prematur ... How To Cure Premature Ejaculation Submitted by Peter on 2006-09-11 and viewed 912 times.
Total Word Count: 468
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF You don't have to humiliate yourself with dangerous desensitize creams, useless medicine or endless scam methods sold online. To make passionate love for as long as you desire is way easier than you think. Anybody can do it no matter how bad you may be. Learn how to cure premature ejaculation. Hundreds of thousands of men often waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars on useless crappy premature ejaculation methods.

Please Don't Be One Of Them!

You don't have to humiliate yourself with dangerous desensitize creams, useless medicine or endless scam methods sold online. To make passionate love for as long as you desire is way easier than you think. Anybody can do it no matter how bad you m! ay be.

Keep in mind that it has to be done the right wa! y or you r lasting problem may rapidly grow WORSE instead of better.

But don't worry because there is a natural cure. This cure is so powerful that you can gain desired lasting power and completely cure your premature ejaculation. Hundreds of men have been helped and you can be, too. Learn how to cure premature ejaculation permanently.

Here is how premature ejaculation control works...

There are several basic reason why you can't control your ejaculation. The causes are all emotional; none of them are physical. The biggest reason is that you can't handle a sudden level of sexual intensity. When the excitement rises, it acts like a trigger in your testicles and you just have to shoot.

However... You can build up your endurance and tolerance for powerful, pleasurable lovemaking.

Just as an athlete builds his endurance for pain and physical strength, you can build your endurance, too. It's the same principle, only a different approach.

Here are ! some exercises that you can start doing immediately to gain control over premature ejaculation.

1. First you must learn to relax... The number one cause of premature ejaculation is anxiety. It is very important that you learn to relax both your mind and body before having sex. Talk to your partner before and during intercourse to feel at ease therefore prolonging your pleasure.

2. Contract your PC muscles... An easy way to practice this is to interrupt your urine flow when you are going to the bathroom. Once you got the feel of which muscles to squize, you can practice this anytime.

3. Be aware of your body... Learn to pay attention to the stages that your body and mind go through. First there is arousal, then intercourse followed by imminent ejaculation. If you are not aware of your senses, you could easily reach the last stage without even noticing until it is too late. You must take your time, relax and notice how each stage affects you. If you do! this, you will soon discover when to slow down and relax both! your mi nd and body.

Remember that you are not alone. More than 25% of men around the world are suffering from premature ejaculation. But, there is good news! The fact is that with a quality guide the success rate of curing premature ejaculation is over 90%.

Source: To Cure Premature Ejaculation
Hair Loss Articles

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Double Chin Exercise For A Leaner Face

">Weight Loss | Double Chin Exercise ... Double Chin Exercise For A Leaner Face Submitted by Chung Leong on 2006-12-27 and viewed 882 times.
Total Word Count: 651
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF Double chin is normally connected to high body fat. Get on a fat loss program and try this double chin exercise to get a leaner look. Before we get into the solutions for reducing double chins, lets find out what actually causes it.

Usually, double chin is caused by weight gain or excessive body fat stored in the body. Just gaze around, over weight individuals usually have double chin. But there are exceptional cases where the double chin is inherited. Some body parts are more prone to storing body fat compared to others. The chin area is also another popular fat storing area. There for, too much body fat being deposited under the jaw causes double chin.
Knowing excessive body fat causes that double chin, you n! eed to d iet and exercise to get rid of double chin. But there are also exercises that can further help reduce it. Use this double chin exercise program in conjunction with your diet and exercise programs.

Double Chin Exercise 1

Open your mouth very wide, and then push your lower jaw forward and then upwards so your bottom teeth extend over the top of your upper lip. Do this 10-15 times and repeat 3-4 times a day. Slowly increase the reps and do not over strain your jaw. Slap under your jaw line after the exercise to complete the exercise. Do not slap too hard but not too soft either.

Double Chin Exercise 2

Push your palm to your temple or forehead for 10 seconds while resisting with your head and neck. You should feel your neck and chin tensing up. Do the movement again with your hand on the back of your head, then on each side, with your hand cupped over your ear.

Double Chin Exercise 3

Raise your chin up and open and close your mouth as i! f you are chewing. Feel the muscles beneath your jaw and down the front of your neck tensing.

Double Chin Exercise 4

Sit on a chair, body straight up. Use an armless chair and hold under the chair with your hands on your sides. Slowly tip your head back and alternately shut your mouth pushing your chin to the front and then open your mouth as wide as possible.

Double Chin Exercise 5

Raise chin a bit upwards. Push against the indentation created by the two upper nodules of the larynx with the smooth point of index and middle finger. The indentation is the curve from the chin to the neck. Do not worry about the exact place of pressure; you will discover it through practice.

Regard finger pressure as the resistance against the working muscles. Now press your back teeth firmly together and while maintaining this position, press the tip of your tongue against the inside of lower front teeth (gum line) increasing pressure with the tip of tongu! e in 10 or more gradual and definite steps (Count to 10). Hold! end pos ition of pressure for 6 seconds (count slowly to six). Release muscle work for 10 gradual steps (count to 10). Remove finger resistance. Repeat 4 more times.

Double Chin Exercise 6

Smack the bottom of your chin with the back of your hand. When smacking, begin slowly and the slowly increase the speed. Perform this exercise a few minutes each time for two or three times daily.

Double Chin Exercise 7

This exercise works the muscles called platysma. The platysma muscles are responsible for pulling down the corners of the mouth and to pull down the jawbone.
Open your mouth wide, and then pull up your bottom lip over your bottom teeth. Move your jaw up and down as if you are trying to scoop something up with it. Just imagine the movement of the shovel on a digger scooping up earth. Do ten reps of this exercise each time, and again do these two or three times daily.

Follow these exercises regularly, get on a healthy diet plan and exercise y! our muscles including cardio vascular training. Within a month or two, you can really see the difference!

Source: Chin Exercise For A Leaner Face
Hair Loss Articles

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tinnitus - Are Your Ears Ringing?

">Weight Loss | Tinnitus - Are Your ... Tinnitus - Are Your Ears Ringing? Submitted by Heather on 2006-08-07 and viewed 856 times.
Total Word Count: 485
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF Tinnitus is a symptom commonly found in elderly people but is not just restricted to the elderly. It can be found in any age group. Tinnitus is a symptom commonly found in elderly people but is not just restricted to the elderly. It can be found in any age group. It is believed that up to 10% of the population suffers from this condition to some degree or another.

Sufferers of Tinnitus complain that they can hear things that others can't. Tinnitus can be found in one or both of the ears and it is not uncommon for patients to comment that the noises seem to be coming from the middle of their heads.

It is believed there are two different type! s of Tinnitus. Otic Tinnitus, which is caused by disorders of the inside of the ear and Somati Tinnitus, which is caused by damage outside of the ear but in the region of the head and neck.

The sounds heard can vary among patients. Some of the common sounds are musical tones, hissing, whistling, roaring, buzzing or ringing. While most people consider Tinnitus to be more of an inconvenience than anything else, in severe cases, some patients may need treatment to relieve the symptoms.

Tinnitus is caused by damage to the nerves in the inside of the ear. These nerves transmit electrical impulses to the brain that are then interpreted into everyday sounds. When the nerves are damaged the noises become distorted, causing the strange sounds that are heard by Tinnitus sufferers.

Causes of this condition are varied. Some of the common causes are loud environments, age, anemia and excessive earwax.

Menieres disease, which affects a person's balance, can ! also include Tinnitus symptoms. For most patients suffering fr! om Tinni tus there is no cure. However, there are treatments that can relieve the symptoms to make the condition easier to live with.

Tinnitus is often related to stress. In many cases, tranquilizers, sedatives or antidepressants can ease the symptoms. For some wanting to avoid strong prescription medicines, there are some drug-free, natural alternatives. These alternatives can include listening to soothing music before bedtime or using a white noise generator to mask the noises being heard inside the patient's head.

There are also preventative measures that can be taken to lessen the chances of getting Tinnitus. If ringing in the ears is ever heard after being in a loud environment that means that damage has being done. Loud noises such as these should be avoided as much as possible. If it is necessary to be in a loud environment, then preventative measures such as earplugs can be beneficial. Musicians and DJ's often use special earplugs that will lower the volume yet! won't distort their music.

The best cure for Tinnitus is prevention. If care is taken to protect ears from damage, the chances of suffering from the condition later on is much less likely to occur.

Disclaimer: The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Tinnitus.

Source: - Are Your Ears Ringing?
About Weight Loss

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Moles, Warts, Skin Tags and Their Treatment

">Weight Loss | Moles, Warts, Skin T ... Moles, Warts, Skin Tags and Their Treatment Submitted by Barney on 2006-08-06 and viewed 894 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF Skin lesions of various types like moles, warts, cysts and skin tags can be all very cumbersome. Though most of them are benign yet they may be painful or unsightly. They may even restrict movement. So, you may want to have them removed. Skin lesions of various types like moles, warts, cysts and skin tags can be all very cumbersome. Though most of them are benign yet they may be painful or unsightly. They may even restrict movement. So, you may want to have them removed.

The moles, warts and skin tags are skin infections caused by specific viruses- wart viruses. The viruses produce bumps on various parts of the body or the soles of the ! feet. These may be due to potassium deficiency too. The warts are always granular. Just as any viral disease the warts too are contagious in case the other person(s) concerned is (are) susceptible to the virus.

The idea of removing these lesions surgically using laser, knife or some acid might make you afraid. However, you need not fear. Surgical removal is usually considered only if treatments involving medicines, creams and lotions cannot be effective in the situation. You need to consult your personal physician for analyzing about going about with carrying out surgical procedures. Surgery is also generally resorted to if the skin lesion shows signs of turning cancerous e.g. a mole has changed shape and color. Surgical removal of moles, warts and skin tags are also preferred for more precise removal or for the removal of larger lesions.

In order to get rid of the potassium deficiency, if any, which may be causative of the warts, moles and skin tags you nee! d to take in foods containing potassium. Some simple remedial ! measures can also be adopted for removing the skin lesions. Soaking the wart in warm water for 15-20 minutes and drying and then applying apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball to be left for 10-15 minutes is a good remedy. This should be then washed off with water and the area concerned should be dried. Again, dissolving an aspirin with a small drop of water, applying to the wart and covering the area with a band-aid helps when done twice daily.

Treatment for removal of moles, warts and skin tags may be done by freezing the lesion with liquid gas or treating with chemicals like salicylic acid, which are 'painted on' the area. The surgery involved in removing skin lesions like moles, warts and skin tags is usually quick and straightforward. It does not even need an overnight stay and you can go home after having the operation done at the GP surgery or hospital on the same day. However, you need to discuss with your physician what you can expect from the surgery. It may even ! be that a margin of skin around the lesion may need to be removed along with the lesion thus leaving a bigger wound than you can expect looking at the lesion's size.

Upon completion of the operation the local anesthesia will lose effect soon and you may feel a pain. For this, painkillers may be administered as per prescription from your physician. After completion of surgery you may be asked to give up or reduce smoking in order to lower the risk of infection and hastening healing.

Source:, Warts, Skin Tags and Their Treatment
About Weight Loss Diets

Beat Bad Circulation Now!

">Weight Loss | Beat Bad Circulation ... Beat Bad Circulation Now! Submitted by Michael on 2006-07-07 and viewed 902 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF If you are keeping up on the news now a days you have probably noticed a frightening increase in both heart attack and strokes, especially in the western world. It seems to be a trend which is spinning out of control. Why is this and what can be done to prevent this from happening to you? If you are keeping up on the news now a days you have probably noticed a frightening increase in both heart attack and strokes, especially in the western world. It seems to be a trend which is spinning out of control. Why is this and what can be done to prevent this from happening to you?

All that has to be done is to take a good look at the lifestyle people are living ! and it should be quite obvious to everyone why this is happening. First of all most people does not get enough exercise which is a crucial factor in allowing our blood to circulate properly. Bad circulation can lead to heart attack and strokes and if that is not enough all the fast food and fatty foods most people eat, only add to the problem.

You know already that you are not getting enough exercise and that you most likely are suffering from bad circulation. If you in addition to this eat improper food you are asking
for trouble. Take this one step further, if you have a weight issue and smoke, you are basically a walking time bomb. The thing is something as minor as bad circulation can end up killing you if you don't get it under control.

Knowing if you are suffering from bad circulation might not be so easy since the symptoms are not always easily detected. The most common signs of bad circulation are; cramping and/or swelling of the feet and legs, legs! falling asleep, legs always being colder than the rest of you! r body, also always having tired and aching feet. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important that you seek medical advice.

Having bad circulation in it self might not necessarily be serious but in the long run it may eventually lead to more serious issues and should therefore be taken care of at an early stage. By starting to treat bad circulation early on you might be able to save yourself quite a bit of money rather than the thousands it may end up costing you if you let this progress into something far more serious than simply bad circulation.

One thing you should be aware of is that treating bad circulation does not necessarily have to be done with expensive drugs prescribed to you by your doctor some simple changes in your lifestyle might be all it takes. Another great alternative to prescribed medications are natural remedies which, believe it or not, can help treat most illnesses out there. Regardless of this you need to see a doctor if you fe! el something is wrong with you but at the same time keep in mind that if you are not in any danger you do have an option to try alternative ways of treating your problem.

Anyway, if you do believe you have a problem with bad circulation you really should take action. This condition is nothing to play with and before you know it, it could cause you to have a heart attack or stroke. It would not be worth it would it? Not to die from something that can be so easily prevented. We all need to remember that this is an increasing problem here in the western world which should not be ignored. Take a stand and start to beat bad circulation now!

Source: Bad Circulation Now!
About Weight Loss Programs

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bad Circulation Is A Growing Health Problem

">Weight Loss | Bad Circulation Is A ... Bad Circulation Is A Growing Health Problem Submitted by Michael on 2006-07-07 and viewed 910 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF Although the internet is the number 1 place for information today most people still get their information from viewing television. Unlike the internet, by watching TV you do not really have choice on what type of info you get. What the TV stations feed you is what you get. Although the internet is the number 1 place for information today most people still get their information from viewing television. Unlike the internet, by watching TV you do not really have choice on what type of info you get. What the TV stations feed you is what you get.

A great deal of the info you receive from the television do stick in your memory, there is no do! ubt about it. Repetitive information, like those you get from commercials, does get stored in your memory and whether you use this information or not is up to you. Everybody can agree that most of what is obtained from TV is junk but some things should really be paid close attention to.

Several of the commercials on TV these days are about bad circulation, heart attacks and strokes. Believe it or not, these are among those you should take a closer look at. Why?
You do not think this has anything to do with you? Well, it just might be something that concerns you more than you know.

Bad circulation is a growing problem in today's society because of our lifestyle and it is a major cause of heart attacks and strokes. Are you wondering what is wrong with your lifestyle? Maybe nothing for some of you but millions of people today are not living as healthy as they should.

The population of the world today is increasingly getting heavier and obesity is becomi! ng a problem especially in the western world. This combined wi! th thing s such as smoking, not enough exercise and all the fatty junk food that are being consumed, more people than we could ever imagine are heading for heart attacks and strokes.

The problem is that most people don't realize how bad their lifestyle is for them and unfortunately bad circulation may not necessary give you any noticeable warning signs. This condition can creep up on you and you might not have a clue until you are in the hospital recovering from something much more serious which could easily have been prevented.

Yes, bad circulation should be taken very serious because of what it can lead to but you should also know that this condition is very easily treated or prevented if caught before entering into the danger zone. If you believe you might be at risk of suffering from bad circulation it is very important that you seek medical advice before attempting to treat this on your own.

Look up information about bad circulation and make yourself knowled! geable about this condition it might just save your life. What ever you do, don't assume that this will not happen to you. It is happening to so many people and they don't even know it.

Do yourself a favor and beat bad circulation before it beats you.

Source: Circulation Is A Growing Health Problem
About Weight Loss Programs

Blackhead Removal - How To Get Rid Of Blackheads?

">Weight Loss | Blackhead Removal - ... Blackhead Removal - How To Get Rid Of Blackheads? Submitted by Gibran on 2006-07-07 and viewed 946 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF What are blackheads? How are they caused? How can you get rid of them? What are blackheads?

Blackheads are small "plugs" that develop in the pores of the skin. They are caused when the over active sebaceous (oil producing) glands in the skin become clogged with oil. This sebum then begins to harden in the pore. Since skin pores are open to the air, the top part of the hardened sebum or oil oxidizes, turning black. This black top of the oil plug is then forced closer to the surface of skin by the oil hardening beneath it. This then causes the blackhead to be visible.

It is not clearly understood why the sebaceous glands begin ! to become overactive. It is often noted that this situation begins at puberty, and may stop at the end of puberty leading to the conclusion that it is hormonally controlled. For some people this is not the case however, and they may continue to experience blackheads and whiteheads well past puberty and into adulthood. Whiteheads are formed the same way as blackheads with the exception that the pore is closed and the oxidation does not occur.

Acne results from infection of the oil gland due to the blockage by the blackhead. Preventing and removing blackheads helps to control acne.

Blackhead Removal

The following are some tips for removing blackheads:

- Keep the skin as clean and oil free as possible. Use natural or chemically prepared cleansers, astringent solutions or masks to accomplish this. Avoid harsh soaps that may irritate the skin or any creams that leave an oily finish.
- Use a gentle exfoliant to keep the dead cells off your skin and ! away from the pore openings.
- Avoid harsh squeezing or sc! raping a t the blackhead. Excessive squeezing can damage the skin surround the pore and can actually increase the size of the pore leading to more blackheads in the future.
- A warm compress of water applied to the area of the blackhead followed by a very, very gentle pressure can help in clearing the clog from the pore.
- Commercial "blackhead strips" which are basically a tape like substance that is placed over the nose and then pulled off will remove some blackheads that are at the surface. Caution should be used with these products and it is important to read the directions completely before deciding to use the strips or not.

Source: Removal - How To Get Rid Of Blackheads?
About Weight Loss Diets

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Get Abs Without Gym

">Weight Loss | Get Abs Without Gym ... Get Abs Without Gym Submitted by Chung Leong on 2007-02-07 and viewed 984 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF How to get abs if you do not have access to a gym? Do not get frustrated! There is still another way and hundreds of others are doing it and still get awesome results! How to get abs if you do not have access to a gym? Do not get frustrated! There is still another way and hundreds of others are doing it and still get awesome results!

If you think that abs of steel can only be made in the gym? You are wrong! Do not give up hope of losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach if you cannot afford expensive gym memberships because you can get abs without any gym equipment at all!

With the saying, If there is a will, there is a way. You can get abs if yo! u can satisfy these few general criteria, which is getting a good cardio workout, abdominal training, some resistance training and weight loss dieting. If all these factors are being worked at, there is no reason that your body would not respond and get a 6 pack.

Here, you about to get tips on how to get abs without gym and sophisticated fitness equipment. All you need is a pair of running shoes, a place to jog, a mat and a strong burning desire to get 6 pack! Do at least 3 session of cardio workout per week.

How To Get Abs Without Gym 1

Do wind sprints! Yes, you can now get away with the boring usual forty-five minute cardio workout sessions. For this wind sprint cardio workout or also called high intensity interval training, you need a large field or a long stretch of road about at least 100 yards. It involves 10 intervals where by one interval consist of a 100-yard sprint and 100-yard jog. So, to do this excellent cardio workout, you need to set a ta! rget that is 100 yards away. It can be a tree or a lamppost. Y! ou then sprint as fast as you can towards it and when you reach it, you turn around and jog back to the starting point. Do 10 intervals. This wind sprint cardio workout can really speed up your metabolism and burn the fat off!

How To Get Abs Without Gym 2

Do push ups. Do not look down on this exercise just because it is the most practiced exercise in high school. Push-up is a very effective exercise to build up upper body strength like the chest muscles, shoulder muscles, triceps and the core. Really challenge yourself when you do push ups. Go beyond your body capability and take your endurance to the max! If you did fifty reps last week, do sixty this time and when you reach failure, push it harder by doing partial reps.

There are many ways to make a push up more difficult. You can push-ups with your feet on top of a bench, push ups with one foot and push ups with a clap between reps. To do the push up with a clap in between reps, you launch as high as possible! during the up phase so that both your hands are off the ground, then in mid air, you clap before coming down to starting position.

How To Get Abs Without Gym 3

Now it is time for some abdominal work to get that flat stomach. The abdominal muscles are just like any other muscles in the body. They will improve and respond if the principle of over load is applied. You do not need expensive and modern gadgets to really hit the abs. You can really work the abdominal muscles by just doing floor abdominal exercises.

Crunches are one of the best abdominal exercises. Basically, to do a crunch, you just need to lie down on the floor, face facing up and palms lightly touching the back of your head with the elbows spread wide. Lift your shoulder blades of the floor and maintain an orange size gap between your chin and your chest. Do not pull your head. You need not go all the way up, just make sure your lower back is flat on the floor and the shoulder blades are ! off. Hold the contraction the top for at least one second and ! come bac k to the starting point under controlled.

How To Get Abs Without Gym 4

In gyms, a lot of people do hanging leg raises and captain chair leg raises for lower abdominals. Do not worry if you do not have access to these high tech equipment. You can really target your lower abdominals by doing reverse crunches on the floor as well.

To do execute this exercise, lie down flat on the floor facing up. Raise your legs so that your knees are bent and your thighs are at right angles with the floor. With a strict form, raise your lower back of the floor so that your knees are now above your chest. Do not forget to squeeze your lower abs at the peak of the contraction. Do three to four sets of thirty solid reps on each abs session.

How To Get Abs Without Gym 5

Do not forget about your core. The function of your core is to hold your tummy in and to protect your spinal cord. To work your core, you need to do planks and this can be done just on the floor. ! To perform the plank, lie down facing down with your elbows under your shoulder, forearms parallel with each other, one foot apart. With just your elbows and toes, lift your entire body off the floor by squeezing your abdominals and butt muscles. Keep your entire body one straight line from head to toe.

How To Get Abs Without Gym 6

You do not need any complicated equipment for getting on a weight loss diet. Dieting has a tremendous play in all efforts. You are what you eat they say it seems very through. If you put garbage in your body, no matter how much exercise you do, getting a 6 pack will be an almost impossible task. You have to feed the muscles with quality nutrients like low fat protein and low glycemic carbs. Avoid simple sugars, high fat foods, junk food, simple sugars and high sodium containing foods. As clearly stated by Tom Venuto the author of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, you can get a nice set of rock hard abs without any supplements at all. Al! l you need is the right method of exercise and eating fat burn! ing food s!

How To Get Abs Without Gym 7

Spice up your workout for extra calorie burn! The body is an amazing system that has the capability of evolving. If you have been doing a particular workout for a long period of time, your body will adapt to its effects and your fat loss results will plateau. You have to keep the body guessing, as this will optimize your fat loss. There are many ways of changing your workout and one good example is by applying high intensity workout techniques like supersets, tri sets and giant sets.

You can also mix up the muscle combination that exercises in a day. Even my changing the reps and sets in a workout can keep the body guessing. For example in stead working out the chest and back in day 1, work the chest and biceps instead. Try this month heavy and the next month light but high reps.

How To Get Abs Without Gym 8

Do not do lateral movements for oblique muscles, do rotation movements instead. You can see people do! ing weighted side bends to get those nice stripes of oblique muscles but really, they are making a big mistake. To really get results, you have to do rotation movements like rotation crunches. The function of the oblique is to rotate the torso, that is why doing rotation movements are better that lateral movements.

Well, hope you now have a better understanding on how to get abs without fancy and high tech equipments. You have got to really believe in yourself that you can do it. All you need to do to get an awesome body is the right method of getting abs, have the heart, passion and desire. Persevere and you sure can do it!

Source: Abs Without Gym
About Weight Loss

What Is A Gallbladder?

">Weight Loss | What Is A Gallbladde ... What Is A Gallbladder? Submitted by Stephanie on 2006-07-10 and viewed 1277 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF An article describing the function of the gallbladder, what a gallbladder attack and surgery is, and overall facts on gallstones. I would like to introduce you to a very close friend. Someone who has been with you since birth - hangs around with you all the time, but 73% of all people have no clue what it really is for. I'm speaking of course, of your gallbladder. In fact, when I had my serious gallbladder attack 2-3 weeks back, and the ER doctor said it was my gallbladder causing all that pain, my first response was..."My what? What does that do?"

For those of you not in the know, the short, 6th grade health class version is:

Your liver produc! es bile, which is used to digest fats. After the liver produces it, it travels to the gallbladder where it is stored and released in small amounts as needed. The problem comes if you eat too much fatty foods, and your gallbladder starts to produce gallstones...they can be extremely small, or grow to be huge. There can be only one, or many of them. But when they occur, they can block the bile from being released, or be lodged in the bile duct from the gallbladder to the stomach.

Now for the real life version:

You start feeling small amounts of pain in your back and stomach. You also have severe heartburn and a crushing pain under your ribs that feels suspiciously like you are having a heart attack. You may also get irregular stools, and excessive burping. Diarrhea and cramps become a weekly or daily thing. Over time (which can be months or years) the pain gets worse, and worse and worse. This pain is caused by the blockage of bile release from your gallbladder.! The gallbladder itself can become inflamed from this blockage! . Someti mes (if you are lucky), the pain is only temporary, because smaller stones that might get lodged may eventually pass through you. However if you have a lot of stones, or big stones, it just gets worse and worse. The pain is strong, intense and not very much fun.
Some people may go through their lives with gallstones and not even know it, because they don't actually block anything. And then there are those of us that get to experience the delightful experience known as a gallbladder attack. I had the symptoms mentioned above for about 3-4 years before I had my first (and only!) gallbladder attack. It happened about 2-3 weeks ago, and let me describe it thus: I have had a child. I have been in Naval Boot Camp. I have broken both of my legs, cut my little toe half off, and have had piercings in various parts of my body. This was the WORST PAIN I have EVER felt.

Nowadays, they have a different type of surgery they can use to remove your gallbladder. They used to have! to cut you straight open and you would be left with a 5-day hospital stay and a huge scar to show for it. Now they generally use laparoscopic surgery to make 5 small incisions in your stomach. They use a tiny camera, small instruments, and a light to locate your gallbladder, sever it carefully, and then remove it through your bellybutton. This type of surgery has a lot less recovery time, fewer complications, and is much more comfortable for the patient.

Of course, some people debate whether to have your gallbladder removed at all. Everyone reacts differently to having his or her gallbladder removed, and it is a bit of a game of Russian roulette. Some people may recover from surgery and feel better than ever, while some may still have pain, severe diarrhea, and other discomfort. However, it is your own body, and only you can decide what is best for it. There are medications that very slowly dissolve gallstones, but this is not a cure, as the gallstones will keep rec! urring no matter what you do. The only currently effective way! to rid you of gallstones is to remove your gallbladder.

Overall, a gallbladder attack is not a fun thing to have happen. People of any age, any race, and in any state of health can get gallstones, although studies have shown that Native Americans are most pre-disposed to having gallstones, as well as elderly people and those who eat high-fat diets. A good way to prevent gallstones from occurring is to eat less fat in your diet and to eat healthy foods.

Source: Is A Gallbladder?
About Weight Loss

Monday, September 10, 2007

Stomach Exercise To Lose Belly Fat

">Weight Loss | Stomach Exercise To ... Stomach Exercise To Lose Belly Fat Submitted by Chung Leong on 2006-12-21 and viewed 1314 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF To get a flat stomach you have to do stomach exercise. Use this simple information on abdominals to make your dream six-pack come true. There is no magical gizmos or high tech gadgets to help you get your abdominal muscle. You have to exercise to flatten stomach and get a lean, defined six-pack. Your dream of getting a sexy body with flat and trim abs is within your reach! Sculpt up with lower abdomen exercise and get rid of those love handles with exercise. Here is how!

Stomach Muscle Exercise

A good abdominal workout program requires high intensity muscular overload and an increase in intensity progressively. Stomach exercise must ! be performed carefully so that the lower back is supported properly.

Stomach exercise can help build the entire abdomen region because the upper and lower abdominals are not separated and are connected. Of course, there are some stomach exercises that can help build and strengthen specifically the lower and upper abdominal muscles.
Abdominal exercises can help you also gain strong stomach muscles and back muscles. This can reduce the likelihood of back pains and provide protection against injury by efficient response to stress.

Lets have a deeper look into the muscles in the abdominal area. The Rectus abdominals is the muscle that stretches down the stomach from your ribs to the hips. The external and internal oblique run down the sides of the waist and their job is to rotate the torso and assist the abdominals during curling and twisting movements.

Stomach exercises are needed to tone or harden the muscles in that area. Not only that, the layer ! of body fat that is covering the abs must be burn off and this! could b e only done with proper eating plan. Try to increase your protein intake and limit your carbohydrates, eating a low carbohydrate diet is said to be one way of tackling flabby abs along with a sensible abs exercise routine, strength training and cardio exercise.

Stomach exercise

Stomach exercise must be followed religiously and is all about frequency rather than intensity. No exercise must be continued if it leads to pain or extreme discomfort. The best stomach exercise program can also help you achieve a flat and tight stomach. Many an abs exercise can be performed on the floor. Like any other muscles, the abdominal muscles will react to resistance training like bicep curls and crunches.

A simple pelvic tilt performed while sitting in a chair can strengthen your abdominal muscles and help support the back.

Best Stomach Exercises


Lay on your back and knees bent, lift your shoulders off the floor. The emphasis is on moving th! e ribs towards the hips.

Reverse Curl

Lay on your back, bend your knees towards the chest. Keep the hips on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles at the same time. Your lower abdominal exercise program must include reverse curls.

Leg raise

Single leg raise involves raising one leg from the floor. The double leg raise involves raising both legs from the floor at the same time and this works as an abdominal muscle exercise. Lying leg raises are ideal lower abdominal exercise

Abs exercise with the ball

The stability ball is an effective training device for the abs and lower back. Due to the curve of the exercise ball, the lower abdominal muscles get trained better on account of the greater range of motion.


It was ranked the best abdominal exercise by the American Council on Exercise. When performed with the abs muscles pulled, this exercise does great things for you.


For this exercis! e program, you need to position yourself for a pushup and hold! the pos e. Ensure that your body is in one long, straight line from head to toes.

Captains chair

This abs exercise involves standing on a gym chair and gripping the handholds. Press your back against the head pad and slowly lift your knees towards your chest. The back must remain straight.

Postnatal stomach exercise

A lot of women just cannot wait to get back in shape after childbirth. But before they can participate in any postnatal weight loss exercise program, they have to consult their doctor first.

Pelvic tilts and simple abs contractions are an ideal way to start on a postnatal lower abdomen exercise program. Combined with Kegels exercise, you can get your pelvic floor muscles back in shape. Isometric contractions can even be practiced with the baby on your stomach. Stick to a steady lower abs exercise program and watch the flabby skin harden.

Stomach exercise to flatten stomach

Getting a lean defined six-pack abs is a dream! for most of us. Millions of dollars are spent yearly in the process of achieving a flat stomach and trim waistline. There are many gadgets that are sold to those seeking an exercise program getting the stomach fat down.

The first step towards a lean waist and flat stomach is to remove the fat that sits on the abs. A combination of cardiovascular exercise program coupled with a low fat diet aimed at preventing fat can do wonders. Stomach exercise program would include the following:

Forward flexion exercises such as sit-ups and crunches.

Rotational exercises such as trunk rotations and standing twists

Stomach Exercise for love handle

Love handles are a misnomer, as all women would love to shun them. Love handles are the ugly fat belts around the waist. This lump of flesh starts at the side of the bra-line and extends all the way down the back. Aerobic exercise aimed at this region can help you shed those love handles. Exercise for love ! handles involve exercising the oblique muscles to tighten up t! he sides of the waist. Abs crunches could also do the same.

Here is an easy stomach exercise for the oblique that you can do at home.

Sit upright with a stick across the back of your shoulders. Twist from side to side. Side bends also work wonders on love handles. Keep at it and watch these muscles firm into place.

Source: Exercise To Lose Belly Fat
About Weight Loss

Why Should You Lose Weight?

">Weight Loss | Why Should You Lose ... Why Should You Lose Weight? Submitted by Kathryn on 2006-11-15 and viewed 1709 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF Why should you lose weight? For self-esteem, or health issues? Consider all options as you make your decision. People begin diets for any number of reasons. A doctor may recommend weight loss as a means to prevent future health problems like adult on-set diabetes or congestive heart failure. A once active person may want to resume a favorite high-performance sport, and seek to lose a few pounds to better enjoy play. A person about to undergo surgery may need to lose some weight before being admitted to the hospital.

For many, many others, vanity plays a large role in the desire to lose weight. An upcoming high school reunion, a desire to wear a sexy bi! kini to the beach, and just wanting to look and feel beautiful every day fuels many of us to try various diet and exercise programs and hope for the best. Unfortunately, saddled with vanity is another factor that may spur people to lose weight for the wrong reasons - societal pressure.

Watch any television program, open up any fashion magazine, and you will be bombarded with images of rail-thin celebrities and models, glamorized by the media as the ideal body image and definition of beauty. True, while today's top movie stars, athletes and singers may evoke an aura and personality people find appealing, it should be noted that the standards they maintain need not necessarily be held by everyone else.

Consider the life of a famous actress or pop star - how many professionals are in her employ to keep her looking young and beautiful? Factor in a hair stylist, makeup artist, fashion consultant, personal trainer, and personal chef, and it is easy to see how one pe! rson can look like a million dollars. More than likely, a mill! ion doll ars is how much it costs annually to stay that beautiful!

Consider, too, that being thin is not always equated to being healthy. It would be unfair to say that the petite, size 2 movie star is healthier than the busty, size 14 rap artist just because she weighs less for her frame. For all we know, the rap artist may exercise daily and be a vegatarian, while the movie star gorges on junk food and lives a rather sedentary life.

Being thin also does not exempt you from health problems - genetics can play a large role in your risks for heart ailments, high cholesterol, and low blood sugar. Consequently, being underweight presents health problems as well. Whoever said "You can never be too rich or too thin" didn't consider that being underweight increases your risks for osteoporosis, anemia, fertility problems, and a compromised immune system.

So why should you lose weight?

You should lose weight because it is what you want to do for yourself, not beca! use a magazine tells you to do so. You should lose weight if you feel the change in your body will change your life for the better. If you feel losing weight...

...will improve your sexuality and stamina

...will give you more confidence and raise self-worth

...will boost your self-esteem every time shop for clothes and browse smaller sizes

...will allow you to better enjoy activities with your family

...will give you a new, positive outlook on life

...then definitely consider doing it to benefit yourself and your life. When you do lose the weight, then society will benefit from your positive mood and improved health. But let this be a decision only you or your doctor dictates, not society.

Don’t Drown Your Food

Home | Fitness | Weight Loss | Don't Drown Your Foo ... Don't Drown Your Food Submitted by Kathryn on 2006-11-15 and viewed 2055 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF Condiments are complimentary, but can too much be too much for your diet? If you are one of the generation who grew up on 70s-80s Saturday morning cartoons, you might remember a series of public service announcements that aired in between your favorite shows. Tucked in between the adventures of Batman and Robin, and even the kitschy Schoolhouse House videos were very short, very animated appeals to children about good nutrition. One that stands out in memory is Louis the Lifeguard pleading us in song not to "drown" the food we eat.

Louis was referring, of course, to condiments, as the PSA portrayed him gallantly rescuing a potato from a bowl! of sour cream, and a boiled egg from an avalanche of mayonnaise. The message then is as clear as it should be now: not only can condiments can affect the taste of foods, but also affect the overall nutritional value of the meal.

Just as certain diet products are designed to supplement a weight loss program by helping people maintain a healthy diet and exercise, condiments are meant to supplement the flavor of certain foods. Note the key word is supplement. Oftentimes, however, we can get carried away with condiments, so much that they become their own food group rather than the miniscule part of a meal they were meant to be. Picture the plate of steamed broccoli smothered in melted cheddar cheese, the baked potato supporting a pool of butter, the grilled chicken coated in salsa...they make look delicious, and you might think you are enjoying a good meal with the base foods, but going overboard on the condiments can do harm.

So what is wrong with a bit here an! d bit there of something to complement a main or side dish? No! thing, i f condiments are used in moderation. Use too much, however, and you could be adding things to your diet that you don't really need.


Ever wonder why we like ketchup on our French fries? Unlike the tomatoes from which this condiment comes, ketchup has added ingredients to make it more palatable. Sugar, for one, gives ketchup its sweetness. Looking at a label of your favorite brand, you may say to yourself, "Hey, there's only four grams per serving here. That's not much." No, it isn't, but think of all the servings you've enjoyed over the week, the month, and the year. Two servings of ketchup a day over the course of one month equals 240 grams of sugar.


You've heard the saying, "A sandwich just isn't a sandwich without..." Well, have you considered ending the sentence with fat? If you heard it like that, would you eat the sandwich?

Yet, many people do enjoy a deli sandwich slathered with mayonnaise or another type of egg-based dressi! ng. Mayonnaise has perhaps the highest fat content of any condiment--even in its "light" form, the dressing is almost always 50% fat. This is something to consider the next time you build a sandwich, ask yourself if you want to counteract a healthy slice of turkey with something that will cover the taste and not offer as much nutritional value.


That extra tang in your sandwich, on your main dish, in your vegetables that makes the food taste good? Salt. Check any label of your favorite condiments, and you will find salt is a main ingredient. Salt helps preserve the condiments in their packaging, and adds flavor to otherwise bland ingredients. Too much sodium, naturally, is never good for the diet, as it can lead to high blood pressure, water retention, and other problems. You might think a bit of salt here and there is not harmful, but as sodium occurs naturally in most foods you eat, you have to ask yourself if you should add more to your eating plan.
So should you stop eating condiments altogether? We don'! t necess arily say that, though we would advise sparing use when you do decide to enhance your foods. Also, consider taking a "condiment holiday," where you refrain from using anything on your food. Note the difference in flavor and absence of extra sugars and fat. You might find the food tastes just as good without the added help, and that it could be better for you, too.

Genetic Research into Migraines

Genetic Research into Migraines 10th September 2007 Author: Li Ming Wong
Migraine headaches are a huge health problem. In a 2004 report, the World Health Organization (WHO) called migraines and headache disorders a global public health calamity. Migraines and other chronic headache conditions are disabling. In the same report, the WHO ranked migraine as one of the top twenty conditions in the world to cause years of healthy life lost due to disability. Migraines and all other headache disorders combined rank in the top ten causes of disability. As a result of the increasing global recognition of migraine as a health threat, genetic research into the condition has multiplied exponentially in the last ten to fifteen years.

Doctors have long known that a child with two migraineur parent will likely have migraines. A 2000 Danish study using primarily twins indicated that migraine without aura (common migraine) is approximately sixty-one percent genetic. The o! ther thirty-nine percent was attributed to genetic factors, making migraines a partially genetic disease. Family history studies and the Danish study both suggest that migraines are a multi-genomic condition, meaning that several genes or combinations of genes are required for the condition to be inherited.

In a study published in June 2003, Dutch doctors revealed that a particular sub-type of migraine, familial hemiplegic migraine, follows a conventional Mendelian inheritance pattern (simple inheritance) in seventy-five percent of all cases. The same study indicated that common migraine is considerably more complex. Several potential genetic loci have been looked at.

The Genomics Research Centre at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia, reports progress in locating genetic loci for migraines. Researchers have been studying multi-generational migraine sufferers within the same family for years. According to their website, the researchers have identified t! hree different genetic regions on the chromosomes 1, 19, and X! that ha rbor genes which increase migraine susceptibility. This type of research may eventually lead to a genetic treatment for migraines.

Check out Migraine Treatment and Start Living Your Life Without Migraine!

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We're really excited about this weight loss site because over time we're going to build up a community of like minded people who are serious about dropping pounds. It's a lot more fun if you can join forces with other folks and motivate each other to success. Now each person's definition of weight loss success is different, but the overall goal for the vast majority of you is to drop some weight, right? So that's what we're going to help you with.

And when I say "we", I'm referring to the team of writers that make up YourW! They're constantly submitting articles as they relate to weight loss. If you like an article, and it benefits you, super! If you don't agree with something, or if you've tried that particular idea or diet plan, and it didn't work for you, that's ok too. Different strokes for different folks. But one of the cool things is that you'll be able to leave your comments at the bottom of each article. Just plug in your first name, your comments, click the "Add Comment" button, and voila!

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Let's get started. Below are 3 weight ! loss art icles you can sink your teeth into. Below that, we've posted some informative blog posts from around the globe. If it relates to weight loss, you'll find it right here.

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South Beach Diet - This ever popular diet has flooded our super markets with frozen meals. Take a stroll down the local freezer aisle of your grocery story and you'll surely spot a variety of South Beach meals. The South Beach diet isn't one of those weight dropping plans that restricts you from ever eating meat or says that all carbs are evil. It's a new-age diet plan that offers...(Read Full Article @ South Beach Diet) The Latest Weight Loss News:

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Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan
There are so many different diets available that choosing the right one for you can be very confusing. In this article I will be looking at a healthy weight loss diet plan, explaining the importance of carbs in your diet and looking at low carb and high protein/low carb diets.

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Thinking of purchasing a fat burning, weight-loss system or book. Before you do, please read this Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review. This review will answer the Top 3 FAQs about the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle System.