Sunday, September 23, 2007

How To Cure Premature Ejaculation

">Weight Loss | How To Cure Prematur ... How To Cure Premature Ejaculation Submitted by Peter on 2006-09-11 and viewed 912 times.
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View Comments (0) | Publisher | Print | Download as PDF You don't have to humiliate yourself with dangerous desensitize creams, useless medicine or endless scam methods sold online. To make passionate love for as long as you desire is way easier than you think. Anybody can do it no matter how bad you may be. Learn how to cure premature ejaculation. Hundreds of thousands of men often waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars on useless crappy premature ejaculation methods.

Please Don't Be One Of Them!

You don't have to humiliate yourself with dangerous desensitize creams, useless medicine or endless scam methods sold online. To make passionate love for as long as you desire is way easier than you think. Anybody can do it no matter how bad you m! ay be.

Keep in mind that it has to be done the right wa! y or you r lasting problem may rapidly grow WORSE instead of better.

But don't worry because there is a natural cure. This cure is so powerful that you can gain desired lasting power and completely cure your premature ejaculation. Hundreds of men have been helped and you can be, too. Learn how to cure premature ejaculation permanently.

Here is how premature ejaculation control works...

There are several basic reason why you can't control your ejaculation. The causes are all emotional; none of them are physical. The biggest reason is that you can't handle a sudden level of sexual intensity. When the excitement rises, it acts like a trigger in your testicles and you just have to shoot.

However... You can build up your endurance and tolerance for powerful, pleasurable lovemaking.

Just as an athlete builds his endurance for pain and physical strength, you can build your endurance, too. It's the same principle, only a different approach.

Here are ! some exercises that you can start doing immediately to gain control over premature ejaculation.

1. First you must learn to relax... The number one cause of premature ejaculation is anxiety. It is very important that you learn to relax both your mind and body before having sex. Talk to your partner before and during intercourse to feel at ease therefore prolonging your pleasure.

2. Contract your PC muscles... An easy way to practice this is to interrupt your urine flow when you are going to the bathroom. Once you got the feel of which muscles to squize, you can practice this anytime.

3. Be aware of your body... Learn to pay attention to the stages that your body and mind go through. First there is arousal, then intercourse followed by imminent ejaculation. If you are not aware of your senses, you could easily reach the last stage without even noticing until it is too late. You must take your time, relax and notice how each stage affects you. If you do! this, you will soon discover when to slow down and relax both! your mi nd and body.

Remember that you are not alone. More than 25% of men around the world are suffering from premature ejaculation. But, there is good news! The fact is that with a quality guide the success rate of curing premature ejaculation is over 90%.

Source: To Cure Premature Ejaculation
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