Friday, April 30, 2021

Provide Personalized Training And Weight Loss Programs


I'll be creating a personalized fitness program catered for you to accomplish your own fitness goals. I have 15+ yrs of experience with personal training, fitness and nutrition which will help me tailor your perfect program. I've been working in the Emergency Response field (Firefighter / Paramedic) for the past 10 years and Fitness and Nutrition have become the backbone of my career.

Let me know what your fitness / health goals are and I'm positive that together we can achieve them together. 



: : : : :

Publish Guest Post On Real Weight Loss Blog Da30 Dofollow



If you don't mind furnish me with one of a kind, savvy substance of around 600 words minimum 

It would be ideal if you incorporate just a single connection (fundamental gig does not offer Dofollow interface) 

Article ought not be excessively limited time 

Will just connection back to pertinent locales 

Don't hesitate to get in touch with me before requesting (in the event that you need to see the area before distributing)

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I will Publish your b0log entry on my DA30 genuine weight reduction bl0og, this is my cash website and for offshoot reason anyway I have as of late opened it for visitor presenting on win some additional wage from the solid DA the blo-g has, This blog isn't any PBN or part of it and furthermore not a connection cultivate I Will Publish Guest Post On Real Weight Loss Blog Da30 Dofollow


If you don't mind furnish me with one of a kind, savvy substance of around 600 words minimum 

It would be ideal if you incorporate just a single connection (fundamental gig does not offer Dofollow interface) 

Article ought not be excessively limited time 

Will just connection back to pertinent locales 


: : : : :

Give You One Hundred Weight Loss And Fitness Ebooks On PDF


For personal use 
To Resell it for a profit
Most of the ebooks come with sales pages. 
Once you get the ebooks, you have full rights. 
This collection comes with full resale rights for each individual eBook 
You can resell them at any price you want.It also comes with the cover images
in a separate folder. 
In order to read these ebooks you will need a PDF reader program, most computers
comes with it. 
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You may use These eBooks 



Good work👍

: : : :

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Provide 100 Weight Loss Ebooks In 24 Hours


  • Dear friend,

    If you have been searching for weight-loss and better health tips that really work …

    Then this is quite frankly the most important letter you will ever read!

    Here’s why:

    I’m about to reveal to you an amazing new ebook that reveals 100 proven tips you can use tlose weight quickly and keep it off for good

    the “100 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds” eBook:

  • What you should always do before you sit down to eat if you really want to lose weight fast!
  • What foods are good to eat – and what foods you should stay away from at all costs!
  • What food is truly your friend when it comes to shedding pounds like crazy!
  • Whether counting calories is a good idea or a bad one – what you learn here may surprise you!
  • How to lose weight by making a few easy, painless changes in the way you cook
  • Why crash diets don’t work and, in fact,  often do more harm than good
  • Several easy things you can do on a daily basis to jump start your body into losing weight

This is Your Best Chance to Achieve

Your Weight & Fitness Goals!

Fat loss|deit plan| meals plan| personal trainer| fitness|  health and fitness| diet| weight loss| work out| healthy | plr books | plr e-books


: : : : :

Write Your Weight Loss Email Campaign


EMAIL Can be a highly effective way to market your business, but you need to know how to make your messages stand out from the millions of others that are sent every day. I will help you sail through this barrage of spam and grab people's attention with a compelling, eye-catching email that I guarantee will bring in sales! 

To write your WEIGHT LOSS email campaign can be tedious at times, so you can quickly reach out to me for proper management. 

I will keep you up to date with all actions taken, as I will follow a strategic and efficient marketing plan that has worked for numerous business I've promoted.

Within this period of work, I will offer full-time assistance on any of your WEIGHT LOSS email marketing needs.

Email Marketing Service Overview:

---^Full Time 247 Support and Custom Assistance

----^ Persuasive Contents


You Are In The Right Place............





Seller's Response:

Very Experienced Seller. Kate is a pleasure to work with!

Seller's Response:

Thanks so much :)

Seller's Response:

Great Seller!

Seller's Response:

Thanks so much for the trust :?


Thanks ....

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Provide Weight Loss Training And Meal Plan


You will get:

-Monthly Meal Plan

- Workout Plan (for the same duration)

*These are able to be customized to your liking! 

You will also be able to work with me to answer any questions or and needs. 

I will need you to fill out a form so I can get your information such as (height, weight, age and activity level) to calculate your needs appropriately.

Based on your experience level and conditions, we will work it out together and come up with something that you are able to work with. 

I want to make this as enjoyable as I can for you while providing the best results at the same time!


: : : : :

Customize A 28 Day Keto Meal Plan, Weight Loss And Fat Loss Plan For You



Every person (male/female) is a unique one and they have different needs of calories. There's no "magic trick," but there is a tailored fitness plan for any person.

Here, I am your Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer have more than 4 years of experience. I will create Diet and Workout Plans tailored to my consumer's needs.


In this gig, I will make your fully customized keto meal plan. I will take your fitness to a whole new level because you need a personal trainer and dietitian that will understand your body goals and needs.

My Package Includes:

28 Day Keto Meal Plan includes:

  • Gluten Free
  • 3 Meals & 2-3 Snack options
  • Quick and Easy Recipes
  • Require Minimal Ingredients
  • Built to save as much time and money as possible.

The Keto nutrition Guide

  • What is the Ketogenic Diet?
  • Foods to eat
  • Foods to avoid
  • Benefits of keto diet
  • Practical tips

Workout Plan

  • Exercise illustrations and diagrams, making things easy to understand
  • Cardio
  • Strength training

FREE BONUS like Fitness articles or ebooks.

NOTE:You'll be required to full fill the health measurements including your height, weight and age. I will also se


: : : : :

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Make Weight Loss Plan For You


I personally managed to lose 25kg in one month and maintain my weight between 78-82kg, and body fat percentage under 15% for 5 years. I am here to share my experience and support you to achieve your fitness goals with an affordable price! We will have a chat and I will make personalized fitness plan for you based on your needs.

However, I can only make plans and advice to support you. You have to know that you are the only one who can change yourself, you must be ready to take actions!

Please message me for any enquiry if you are interested. Looking forward to hearing from you :)


: : : : :

Provide A Fat Loss Weight Loss Meal Prep And Workout Plan


I will provide a fat loss weight loss meal prep nutrition and workout plan and:

Nutrition Guide

- What is eating in moderation?

- What foods should I limit?

- What foods should I be eating?

- Should I weigh my food?

15 Body making workouts

- Quads, glutes, and lower body

- Bicep and Tricep blaster

- Chest builder

- Shoulder and Back


- Should I avoid carbs?

- Sugar, sugar, and more sugar

- Sodium overload

- Have you ever felt bloated?


: : : : :

Be Your Weight Loss Coach Providing A Home Based And Medicine Free Plan


As every person is different similarly body of every one is different. So there is no single universal plan for all type of bodies. Each body has his own physiology and need a specializes plan for itself as per requirements. I offer work out and diet plan after thoroughly studying your body so that you may be able to get visible results as soon as possible. I will be in contact with you permanently so that you will be able to discuss any issue if you feel during the process of diet plan and I will be available to edit that plan as per your need and body requirements. So we will not drop you in the half way , we will go side side by side till end. 

I can provide you with the following:

  1. Customized Workout Plans/ Meal Plans
  2. Home based plan
  3. Medicine free plan
  4. One on One consulting regarding your fitness goals 
  5. Full Online personal training with answers and guidance every step of the way
  6. Interactive training and support
  7. Results!!

Please feel free to contact me prior to any purchase, with any questions or concerns 

Your Fitness Journey Starts NOW!!


: : : : :

Monday, April 26, 2021

Write Weight Loss, Diet Or Fitness SEO Content Within 24 Hrs


Dear Esteemed Client!

I will write a Unique SEO article up to 1500 words on Weight lossDiet or Fitness niche for a reasonable price.

My articles are 
100% Unique and SEO Optimized.

Just let me know what you need and I will adapt and tailor my articles based on your requirements!

Benefits of Choosing my Service

  • Unique and original content
    • Professional grammar and sentence structuring 
    • Catchy and engaging writing style 
    • Very well researched articles
    • Professional SEO-Optimized articles
    • 1-day Delivery (24 hours)
    • Free revision

    Your satisfaction is my foremost intention
    , I am here and ready to be your favorite content creator.

    Order today and get an outstanding experience ever!

    Let’s Connect Today  by Simply saying  "Hello!"




    Great work as always. I'll surely order again


    Great job and done very efficiently!


    Great job again, very good communication and research into the topic, and would defintely recommend. See you next time! :-)


    Perfect! Great knowledge and well researched, and quick definitely will be ordering again! Thanks alot.


    Helpful, hardworking, and time-bound person

    Write Health And Fitness Articles, Weight Loss, Keto, Recipes


    Do you need High Quality, well-researched content for your health, medical and wellness, website, blog or business?

    I am an expert content writer with:

    - Clear, engaging style of writing
    - Years of experience in writing for health, medical and nutrition domain
    - Ability to write for a range of health conditions and chronic diseases, including inflammation, cardiovascular disease, thyroid, gut health, infertility and auto-immune disorders.
    - Experience in writing blogs and datasheets for a range of health supplements.

    What I can help you with? 

    1. Creating content for varied health topics and conditions (for example, Arthritis, Cholesterol, Sleep disorders, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, Chronic Stress, Premature ageing, keto, weight  loss, recipe,  cookbook, Chronic Inflammation, Fungal infections, Baby health etc.).

    2. Creating detailed datasheets on the benefits of fruits, vegetables, nuts, vitamins, minerals, herbs, spices and natural supplements

    I also write on:

    • Keto
    • Fitness
    • Yoga
    • Nutrition
    • Weight Loss
    • Blood Pressure Regulation

    I back my articles with credible scientific studies and present it in an easy-to-read style.



    Seller's Response:

    sells 100% own content. 1second google and you find the content on the net

    Seller's Response:

    Miss_susanne delivered exactly what was expected and was able to take a very difficult health topic and make it simple. Thanks!

    Seller's Response:

    Amazing buyer, thanks for your understanding :)

    Seller's Response:

    First time ordering in fiverr, first time ordering from seller also. Work looks good. Seller is very polite and professional in communication. Would definitely order more if needed on related contents.


    Thank you :)

    Give 25 Weight Loss Whiteboard Video For Women


    3 packages of whiteboard videos for weight loss niches:

    Basic Package 1: 25 weight loss whiteboard videos for women

    Add On Package 2: 25 weight loss whiteboard videos for women + 14 women exercise whiteboard videos

    Ultimate Package 3: 25 weight loss whiteboard videos for women + 14 women exercise whiteboard videos + 101 health and fitness tips whiteboard videos


    1. 100 weight loss tips ebook

    2. Fat Burning Food ebook 

    and many other surprised bonuses

    Exclusive bonuses for purchase Ultimate Package

    If you purchase Ultimate Package 3, you can get choose EITHER basic gig of "7 weeks weight loss guide "OR "huge health topic ebooks collection" of "healthytalks" fiverr's gig for FREE. 

    *Special bonus for limited time period only, may ends anytime without prior notice*



    Perfect. thanks


    Great experience. High-quality work.


    Great work delivered on time


    Great package


    Delivered in under 24 hours as promised