-Calculate exactly how many days it will take you to reach your target weight. (And you choose the starting date) -Know exactly how many calories you can eat to arrive at the big event at the perfect weight. - Figure out exactly what day to start your diet on to lose your weight on schedule - Determine exactly how many calories YOU personally burn each day - See how your exercise routine helps your weight loss goal (and figure out the best exercise for you) We didn't forget your husband! We know guys could stand to lose a few pounds too. It will give all the same results for men also. This Software protects your health and your sanity by letting you know if your goal is simply unachievable in the time you choose. You can then adjust your expectations and not starve yourself chasing an impossible goal. As you can see, this is a perfect companion to any diet plan! It doesn't matter if you're on the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers or you're just watching your calories. This Software will work with all of them and give you realistic expectations about your own personal weight loss.
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:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!
: : :
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